“Concrete straight staircases are the perfect choice for both indoors and outdoors. Their balanced flightline and fitted handrails ensure your safe descent.”
Concrete straight staircases are the ideal solution for both indoors and outdoors. They let you access your home or building, as well as every floor level. Their minimalist design fits elegantly into a wide range of projects. They are particularly well-suited to buildings open to the public.
Straight stairflights open up the visual horizon and give you a clear view of the next landing. Their balanced flightline and fitted handrails ensure a safe descent.
Industrial straight staircases for standards-compliant buildings
Conform to all applicable rules and regulations (accessibility, strength, fire safety, labour code, etc.), concrete straight staircases are the perfect choice for a working environment. Structural safety is guaranteed by a made-to-measure design, with the staircase meeting all strength and robustness requirements. Installation risks are kept to a minimum: the steel reinforcing bars used to connect the stairs to the landing do not project beyond the cast. The building contractor unfolds them on the worksite at the appropriate time.
Once in place, the straight concrete staircase does not require any particular cleaning or maintenance.
Why choose an NF mark PBM staircase?
All our stairs have CE and NF marking.
Why have both NF and CE marking and what is the added value?
Some staircases have both CE and NF marking as extra evidence of their quality.
Where harmonised features are involved (requirements given in Annex ZA of standard NF EN 14843), CE marking requires a manufacturer to declare performance values but does not enforce minimum values.
This means that not all CE-marked products necessarily have the level of performance required to conduct building work in accordance with good professional practice such as defined in the French DTU code of practice.
The precast concrete stairs NF mark:
- certifies that the stairs meet a performance level conform to the specifications of the NF certification rules
- guarantees that the product performance requirements have been audited by an independent body and that the manufacturer has been found to comply with these requirements in a sustainable and continuous manner
- guarantees the buyer that the stairs are designed for building structures in accordance with good professional practice and, specifically, with the French DTU code of practice.
- The precast concrete stairs NF mark came into force in 2008
A cast design tailored to your needs
Specialist in precast concrete stairs, we produce elements in a range of shapes and sizes. We also provide custom castings to demand.
Partnered by our mechanical engineering design office, which designs new models and develops casting designs, our 3 metalworking workshops supply our plants with new products.
Click here to view all the product references in our construction catalogue.
Contact our sales representatives for a comprehensive assessment.
Rules and regulations governing straight staircases
A Tread line (not applicable to straight staircases)
B Tread: T ≥ 28 cm
C Step height 13 cm ≤ H ≤ 16 cm
It is strongly advised that all the steps should be the same height. There is a permitted tolerance on the first step provided that its height is no less than 13 cm
Recommended: 60 cm < 2H+T < 64 cm
D Width between handrails ≥ 120 cm (which gives an inter-wall width of 140 cm)
E Clearance height h ≥ 2.00 m and, if possible 2.20 m
Stairflights number 25 steps at most, except for stairs in stadium terraces
F All stairs must include a handrail on each side:
• Height between 80 cm and 100 cm measured from the step nosing
• Horizontal projection equal to 1 tread length beyond the 1st and last step, without obstructing traffic
• Continuous, rigid and easy to grip
• Easily distinguished from the supporting wall using special lighting or visual contrast
G Warning at a distance of 50 cm (except where other special conditions apply) from the last step of each flight using a system of visual and tactile contrasts
H Step nosings with a contrasting finish to the rest of the stairs:
• Over a horizontal distance of at least 3 cm
• Anti-slip
• Overhang of the riser ≤ 1 cm
I For staircases with stringers and landings
Riser of at least 10 cm – the risers on the 1st and last step shall contrast visually with the other steps.
1 or 2-step staircases are prohibited.
(communal areas)
A Tread line (not applicable to straight staircases)
B Tread: T ≥ 28 cm
C Step height H ≤ 17 cm
It is strongly advised that all the steps should be the same height. There is a permitted tolerance on the first step
Recommended: 60 cm < 2H+T < 64 cm
D Width between handrails ≥ 100 cm (which gives an inter-wall width of 120 cm)
E Clearance height h ≥ 2.00 m and, if possible 2.20 m
F All stairs must include a handrail on each side:
• Height between 80 cm and 100 cm
• Horizontal projection equal to 1 tread length beyond the 1st and last step, without obstructing traffic
• Continuous, rigid and easy to grip
• Easily distinguished from the supporting wall using special lighting or visual contrast
G Warning at a distance of 50 cm (except where other special conditions apply) from the last step of each flight using a system of visual and tactile contrasts (except for the intermediate landing with continuous handrail)
H Step nosings with a contrasting finish to the rest of the stairs:
• Over a horizontal distance of at least 3 cm
• Anti-slip
• Overhang of the riser ≤ 1 cm
I For staircases with stringers and landings
Riser of at least 10 cm – the risers on the 1st and last step shall contrast visually with the other steps.
Option of building 1 or 2-step staircases.