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What is an FDES?

AFNOR supported the production of standard NF P 01-010 in response to growing interest in the environmental and health properties of construction products and materials. This standard establishes the reporting framework for the environmental and health aspects of construction products and materials in the form of a set of datasheets, referred to as Environmental and Health Product Declarations (FDES), based on the scientific analysis of product lifetimes (LCA).
This formed the basis for the construction industry’s decision to publish FDES for its main products as of 2002.

Are concrete products healthy and environmentally friendly?
YES, and the FDES are the best way of providing solid scientific proof!

Click on the boxes to download the corresponding datasheet.

Wood fibre concrete noise barriers
Concrete spiral staircase
Winding staircase with central column
Straight staircase
Winding staircase with open well